Q and A


When should I start meds if I was diagnosed in pregnancy?

I’ve just found out that I’m positive, I’m also pregnant. When should I start meds?


Thanks for getting in touch.

How are you coping with finding out you are positive?

Are you able to get any support?

Because you’re pregnant you should begin ARVs as soon as possible. This is because the meds reduce the risk of transmission to your baby.

This also depends on how advanced your pregnant is. If it is very early stages and you are still having morning sickness, it is okay to wait for a few weeks and then start. It is important that your viral load becomes undetectable before the baby is due.

For more info about HIV and pregnancy, please see here:



  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sly,

    Yes there is a chance that your wife could be negative. However, for her own health and because she’s pregnant its very important that she tests. If she is positive she will need to start medication straight away.

  2. Sly

    Hi Lisa,
    Please i was recently diagonsed positive,i met my wife last year and she is now 4 months pregnant and wants to go to hospital for check ups.
    Please i want to know does my wife stands any chance of testing negative even though we had unprotected sex?


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