ISSUE 16 28th January 1997

Sourced Compiled and Edited by Paul Blanchard
Medical Advisor - Dr Graeme Moyle,Chelsea & Westminster Hospital.


4th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

January 22-26, 1997. Washington, DC.

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4th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
January 22-26, 1997. Washington, DC.

AIDS Treatment Projects Paul Blanchard and Raffi Babakhanian were delegates at last weeks Washington Conference and the following preliminary reports of clinical significance have been compiled by Paul Blanchard. Due to the restricted number of places available for registration, many UK clinicians and researchers were unable to attend this meeting. ATP hopes that the provision of these reports will be of interest to those who were unable to attend.

Further reports, the full text of program, abstracts and other material related to this conference can be found on the World Wide Web at the following sites: