8 June 2021. Related: General, Resources.

(c) Keith Haring Studio
i-Base run workshops and courses on any aspect of HIV treatment.
We have worked with over 100 support groups in the UK and also run workshops with HIV organisations in Europe, South Africa, India, Taiwan, Russia, Serbia and Turkey.
Slide sets from community talks, including many links to online webinars are at this link,
One-off workshops
Single workshops can be an open ‘question and answer’ format, focused on one subject (new drugs, side effects, NHS changes etc) or can provide an update from the latest conference.
Treatment training courses
We also run treatment training courses that are tailored to the individual organisation.
The sessions are designed to enable organisations to strengthen treatment related advocacy. They can be held during the day or in the evening and commonly include 4-8 sessions, usually every week or fortnight, as appropriate.
For example, a general treatment course would cover: CD4 counts, viral load, drug resistance, side effects, treatment guidelines and pregnancy, but additional topics can be included as required. See this link for an example course structure.
With courses running for several weeks certificates will be granted, based on a minimum attendance of 80% of sessions.
For more information about workshop topics please see our online treatment training manual.
Workshop charges
Workshop charges depend on the funding status of the organisation. For a funded group we charge £100 for 1-2 hours and £200 for 3-4 hours.
Whenever possible, i-Base accept all invitations to speak, and never turn down a request to talk based on ability to pay. There is no charge for unfunded groups but ability to run these workshops is limited outside London. For organisations outside London we also ask for travel costs.
Feedback from past sessions
“Thank-you for the information and your use of your personal experience to explain options and circumstances. I found simplified explanations very useful to understand scientific treatment information.”
“This training has not only benefited me as a person but will benefit the clients I work with. Most of the issues discussed are issues we are faced with in day to day out peer support working with clients. I feel empowered with the knowledge I have gained to empower others.”
“The sessions structure meant you had simple explanations and then more technical graphs and tangents. I also liked the real life examples- a great training. Thank-you.”
How to arrange a workshop
If you would like to arrange a speaker or workshop please contact the i-Base office.