Q and A


My CD4 is 650- why do I feel ill?


I was diagnosed about 2 years back and since then I never fallen sick. My CD4 count was also above 650 six months back.

Now since last 2 days I am having cold and headache with body pain and fever. I am worried what it could be?

Also my blood pressure has gotten high it is 170/100.



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Because your CD4 count is so high it is unlikely that these symptoms are connected to HIV. These could be a sign of another infection or illness.

It’s normal to connect everything to HIV but it’s important to remember that people who are HIV positive will still have the same health problems as HIV negative people. It’s important not to panic every time you feel unwell, but to talk to your doctor if you are worried.

If you are worried it’s important to talk to your doctor about this so that you can get a diagnosis and any treatment that is needed.


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