Q and A

Recent questions

Can I still continue with my normal routine if I missed a dose?

Can I take Luvigen in the morning?

My baby won’t drink formula milk

Are there interactions between PrEP and my other meds?

Does having a high viral load at the start lead to a poor prognosis?

Can I use other medications if I cannot access Ranega?

Will HIV gradually effect my brain?

Can U=U apply before 6 months?

Can baby use formula and breastmilk?

Can I start on Myteladov and switch to Acriptega?

Can I go back to breastfeeding?

Will the implant work effectively if you are on ARV’s?

Can I take MDMA?

Is TLD safe for kidneys?

I am waking up with a dry mouth…

I have a new rash over my body…

I don’t remember taking my meds…

Should I give my daughter another dose of zidovudine?

How do I take tablets every 12 hours?

Will PEP interact with my PID treatment?

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