
Order and subscribe

Information by email

For monthly emails about treatment news and other updates please subscribe using this link.

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Print copies of guides and other community publications

For over 24 years, print copies of i-Base publications were provided free of charge, including bulk orders.

Unless we are successful in funding applications, all resources will now only be available online.

A small reserve stock of a few publications will continue to be available for a short time, while stocks last.

Please email simon.collins@i-Base.org.uk with your name, email and telephone number, and details of your order.

If your clinic would still like printed guides, for example, thr Introduction to ART and the UK guide to PrEP please send a supportive email that we can use in funding applications.

Available stock is listed below (current 30 September 2024).


  • Changing treatment: viral rebound and drug resistance
  • Guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health
  • Guide to HIV and your quality of life: side effects and long-term health

Pocket ART

Small A7 foldout leaflets with simple easy text.

  • Pocket side effects and quality of life.
  • Pocket pregnancy.
  • Pocket PrEP for Women

Other publications

  • Art in pictures: HIV treatment explained
  • U=U factsheet
  • U=U A4 poster

Links to other PrEP resources

For a diverse range of excellent resources on PrEP, please see this link to Prepster:

Last updated: 30 September 2024.