Cookies and privacy policy

Cookies (we don’t use them)

This website ( does not set cookies (small pieces of text stored temporarily on your computer).

This website uses cookie-free analytics to gather information about how are web pages are used. We use information from our own webserver to understand which web pages have been requested. We do not not record any IP addresses, device types, machine addresses, IMEI numbers, individual location details or anything else like this.

If you are concerned about cookies and privacy, you may disable cookies from your browser’s preferences menu. Information on this is available on the Information Commisioner’s Office website. Disabling cookies will not prevent you using any part of this website

Browser history

Web browsers usually record pages you have visted recently so that you may find them easily again in the future. This is called your browsing history.

You can delete your browsing history from your web browser’s preferences or other menu.

Some browsers include the option of using private windows that do not track or record the web sites that you visit within these windows.


Web browsers sometimes cache (store) images and other files connected to a website so you can reuse them without downloading them again. No image or other resource on this website is designed to be cached. However, your browser may cache files anyway. Browsers usually have an option to delete cached files.

General information about website use

General information about website use is provided by i-Base’s internet service provider. When you connect to this website the server will record your IP address. IP addresses are routinely logged by webservers. An IP address may reveal the geographical location and internet service provider being used to access this website. It is not be possible to identify you personally from this information. Other information logged when you visit this website comprises browser type, referring page, entry page, exit page, destination page, date and time.

Advertising policy

HIV i-Base dose not host any form of advertising, receive funding from any advertising or from the display of any commercial content.

Third parties

No third pary collects information via this website and there is no third party advertising. Information kept by HIV i-Base is not shared, exchanged or sold.

Disclosure required by law

Personal information may be disclosed if in good faith i-Base believes this is necessary to comply with the law or at the order of a law enforcement or other agency authorised to order disclosure.

Email address

This website contains links that prepare your email programme to send an email. Sending an email from one of the email links will send i-Base your email address, and perhaps other personal information like your name depending on how you have set up your email programme.

i-Base will treat this information in confidence and will only use your email address to answer your enquiry or question. We will not use your email again to contact you for any other reason.

Personal information

This website does not ask for personal information like age, gender, income, interests and so on. This website does not ask for credit card, bank or other personal financial details.

Contact information given when ordering publications is stored securely electronically and/or on paper. You may request a copy of this information by contacting us in writing.

Posting comments online

The Q and A service include the option to post comments.

This is a chance to give your own perspective and experience. It is a chance to develop an interactive discussion.

  • All comments are moderated by one of the advocates employed by i-Base.
  • We aim to moderate comments every week, often this is more frequent.
  • Comments that are not related to the original post may be posted as new questions.
  • Please only include information that you are happy to be read online by anyone.
  • Unless stated otherwise, all comments are from non-medical professionals.
  • Please share your personal experience in comments – this is part of the reason that comments are available.
  • When not posting about your own personal experience, if possible, please include a reference for any other sources of information.
  • Comments may be edited for clarity, style or meaning.
  • We reserve the right not to post information that is misleading or inaccurate.
  • Abusive comments, spam or commercial advertising will not be posted online. Please be honest and post respectful comments.
  • If you are unhappy about a comment you have posted, please email us at if you would like it removed.


This policy applies only to the HIV i-Base website, not to sites visited by following hypertext links.


HIV i-Base is the sole owner of the information collected on this web site. The web server hosting the HIV i-Base web site is located in the UK and is not mirrored in any other country.

More information

If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy contact

Alternative ways to get in touch are given on the main contact page.

Last updated: 22 August 2024.