Q and A


Will I ever heal?

Is it safe to take Acriptega that I buy myself after testing positive?

I started TLD with a CD4 of 27. When can I stop other meds?

If I can’t access ARVs can diet and supplements help?

What is the half-lives of the meds in LTD (TLD)?

Can I really have sex without my partner being at risk?

Can I still have fun going out?

What is the risk of AIN3 progressing to anal cancer in people living with HIV?

I could I test positive?

Question for a friend who may have been positive for many years

How can I have a baby with my wife? Will PrEP help?

What if dermatologists ask about HIV?

I am scared if we do IVF and my partner finds out I am HIV+

I am scared of telling my partner about HIV

I just started ART but my partner doesn’t know…

Am I at risk if I have not been on treatment for 10 years?

Questions in Hindi – or other languages…

What do I need to do for my health now I am on treatment?

My relative has psychosis and fluctuating viral load?

Does PrEP work if my partner has a high viral load?

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