Starting treatment

I am HIV positive and in the UK and don’t know why I am not on treatment?

Can you talk about ART injections – are these available in South Africa?

Will it be okay to restart ART after two years without treatment?

Will it be okay to restart ART after two years

Should I worry if I am on Luvigen and my wife has Acriptega?

I started TLD with a CD4 of 27. When can I stop other meds?

Should I restart ART if my CD4 count is high and VL is undetectable?

Do elite controllers need to be on meds? Please explain my results?

Should sleep problems stop after 4 weeks?

Is a viral load of 67 copies/mL good?

Can I restart meds if I stopped them in 2019?

Question for a friend who may have been positive for many years

My CD4 is only 4 and I also have TB – what can i expect?

I just started ART but my partner doesn’t know…

Am I at risk if I have not been on treatment for 10 years?

What do I need to do for my health now I am on treatment?

Can I restart meds after a break?

Do I need ART if my CD4 is still above 500 after 24 years?

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I am reticent to start treatment…

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