Clinical trials

Featured Has my question already been answered?

Can I join the “kick and kill” UK study?

What happens if I take Atripla less often?

Can I get rid of my HIV antibodies?

When will we get a cure for HIV?

Will PEP reduce the risk of infecting my negative partner?

Hearing loss and starting treatment at a high CD4 count

I have questions regarding adherence and research….

Do I have 9 hours a day without meds if the half-life is 15 hours?

Will interleukin-2 increase my CD4 count now I am on treatment?

Please comment on different life expectancy studies

How can I participate in a clinical trial?

Will they inform me that the trial was unsuccessful?

Should I participate in a clinical trial for treatment in early infection?

Government, confidentiality, volunteering for trials…

Can people with side effects participate in vaccine trials?

Is there any financial help for participants on trials?

How safe are HIV vaccine trials?

Could an HIV-positive person who is on ARV treatment participate in vaccine trials?