Sexual health

Oral transmission on detectable viral load

Does HIV affect the menopause and where can I learn more?

Emergency contraception and ARVs

Will loperamide (Imodium) be okay with PrEP?

Can HIV positive couples safely stop using condoms?

Can women use injectable ART including during pregnancy?

Where can I access anoscopy in the UK?

Featured Has my question already been answered?

Is my partner at risk if my viral load blipped to 240?

My wife has changed since learning I am HIV positive

Will the monkeypox (MPX) vaccine reduce symptoms?

How good is the monkeypox vaccine?

What do monkeypox spots look like?

Does ART reduce the risk of transmission?

I’m undetectable, but have discharge from my privates?

My partner is HIV negative.

Can I get genital herpes while using ARVs?

Can I have sex while on PEP?

Can I stop treatment now that I am undetectable?

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