I found D100 pills in my girlfriends bag.
3 January 2022. Related: All topics, Disclosure, HIV transmission, Newly diagnosed, Sexual health, Southern Africa.
3 January 2022. Related: All topics, Disclosure, HIV transmission, Newly diagnosed, Sexual health, Southern Africa.
28 December 2021. Related: All topics, Sexual health.
16 December 2021. Related: All topics, PEP/PEPSE, Sexual health, Side effects.
7 December 2021. Related: All topics, HIV testing, Newly diagnosed, Sero different couples, Sexual health.
25 November 2021. Related: Adherence, PEP/PEPSE, Sexual health.
21 November 2021. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load, Disclosure, HIV transmission, Sero different couples, Sexual health.
20 November 2021. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE, Sexual health.
15 November 2021. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE, PrEP, Sexual health.
9 November 2021. Related: Adherence, All topics, HIV transmission, Sexual health.
17 June 2020. Related: All topics, Sexual health.
5 January 2018. Related: All topics, Sexual health, Side effects, Southern Africa, Starting treatment, Support. 2 comments
2 January 2018. Related: All topics, Sero different couples, Sexual health, Support.
16 May 2017. Related: All topics, Sero different couples, Sexual health. 4 comments
22 November 2016. Related: All topics, Complications and coinfections, Sexual health.
15 September 2016. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load, HIV transmission, Sero different couples, Sexual health.
28 August 2016. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, Sexual health.
25 August 2016. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, Sexual health.
25 August 2016. Related: All topics, Opportunistic infections, Other tests, Sexual health, Support.
11 August 2016. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, Sexual health.
27 June 2016. Related: All topics, Other tests, Sexual health.