
Will syphilis cause my CD4 to drop?

I was diagnosed with HIV in feb 2016 and since than i am on medication. My CD4 count has been normal since than.

A few months back, i developed warts near anus which were small and went away but recently they came back and are bit bigger than last time. I showed it to my skin specialist and he has asked me to do certain blood tests including for syphilis.

I am open about my being hiv positive to him still he suggested to do these tests. Now I am really worried about syphilis and HIV co-infection. Even if I don’t have syphilis does that means my CD4 is going down in-spite of me taking medicines?


Thanks for getting in touch.

i-base advocates are not doctors, therefore I can’t comment on what the warts may be. Or if you may have syphilis. Therefore, you will need to talk to your doctor about the warts. And, or wait for your test results.

Sometimes when people do get an infection their CD4 may drop slightly. However. this varies from individual to individual. The only way of knowing if there has been a drop is to have your CD4 tested.

Being on ARVs, is though the best and only way of controlling your HIV.


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