Q and A

HIV testing

Could I have been misdiagnosed as I now test HIV negative?

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Why does i-Base not answer questions on HIV testing and transmission?

I tested positive for HIV after having a flu vaccine…

What treatment do I need to start?

Why have I now tested negative after 6 months?

Is my test result true?

Why do I need to repeat a 28-day negative HIV test at three months?

Will my baby’s test result change?

What is a positive HIV screening baby test?

Is a negative HIV test four weeks after PEP okay?

Am I positive or negative?

Can a positive person test negative again?

Why is my partner not positive?

Could I really be HIV negative and do I need ART?

What is seroconversion and what are the symptoms?

Does my wife need more testing after 40 days?

What are the different HIV tests?

Can COVID cause false-positive HIV test results?

Is my partner at risk when I am on PEP – or afterwards?

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