
Will my baby’s test result change?

I am HIV positive and I have a baby who is 1 year and 2 months. She tested negative on her birth test and I didn’t breast feed her since she was born, I gave her a formula so it might happen that her status can changed because since she is born they tested her two times and the results was negative?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby.

No. Baby’s status will not change. Baby is HIV negative.

As you are not breastfeeding and baby has had multiple tests confirming their status, there is no risk to baby.



  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Maria and thank you for the question.
    Which child are you asking about?

    A lot of women who live with HIV give birth to HIV-free children.
    If you have been on treatment during your pregnancy then it’s almost certain that your baby will be HIV-free.

    Here is some more information about getting pregnant when you are living with HIV:

    and here you can see information about when you will know if your baby is HIV-free:

  2. Maria

    I am an hiv positive mother. I gave birth to my kids since I have been positive. My first child is 6yrs and the 2nd child is 1yr 7months. My question is: is it possible for her to be positive? I gave birth to her negative, all her test are negative

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Kea. without more details about the types of test used, I can comment about HIV and your baby. Please talk to your clinic so they can explain the test results.

  4. Kea

    I’m hiv positive and gave my newborn treatment for 2 weeks I’m not breastfeeding and she tested negative at birth can she test positive at 12 weeks

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lis, congratulations on having a baby. It is great to hear that you have started treatment and that baby has tested negative. Has baby been given any of their own treatment?

    Do you know what your viral load is currently? Baby will have their final test a few weeks after you stop breastfeeding. As you are now on treatment it reduces the risk of transmission to as low as possible.

    You are doing everything right to reduce the risk of transmission to baby as low as possible. This means it is very likely baby will remain HIV negative.

    An explanation of treatment given to baby can be found here:

  6. Lis

    I was texted positive 6 weeks after my delivery, my baby was texted negative, I’m taking my medicine (Arv) and I’m breastfeeding him. Will him be tested positive on his retext?