Do we need to test my 4 year old baby?
2 September 2024. Related: All topics, Children, HIV transmission.
Can your parents having HIV cause learning differences in children?
23 August 2024. Related: All topics, Children.
I am breastfeeding with a high viral load?
22 August 2024. Related: All topics, Children, Pregnancy.
What is the life expectancy of a child who is HIV positive?
14 August 2024. Related: All topics, Children, Life expectancy. 10 comments
How long will my baby need meds?
8 August 2024. Related: All topics, Children.
Do I still need to give my baby co-timoxazole?
8 August 2024. Related: All topics, Children.
Are HIV meds making my breasts dry?
27 July 2024. Related: All topics, Children.
My baby won’t drink formula milk
9 June 2024. Related: All topics, Children, Pregnancy. 4 comments
Can baby use formula and breastmilk?
4 May 2024. Related: All topics, Children, HIV transmission.
Can I go back to breastfeeding?
3 May 2024. Related: All topics, Children, HIV transmission.
Should I give my daughter another dose of zidovudine?
26 April 2024. Related: Adherence, All topics, Children. 4 comments
How long do I have to give my new baby medicine?
13 April 2024. Related: All topics, Children, Pregnancy.
What can I do if my newborn missed nevirapine for 3 weeks?
5 April 2024. Related: Access to treatment, All topics, Children.
Can I give my baby new meds?
2 April 2024. Related: All topics, Children.
I only just became positive but was also breastfeeding?
1 April 2024. Related: All topics, Children, HIV transmission.
How do I give my baby nevirapine syrup?
30 March 2024. Related: All topics, Children, Pregnancy. 12 comments
Is baby okay if they have oral thrush?
10 March 2024. Related: All topics, Children, Complications and coinfections.
Featured Has my question already been answered?
1 March 2024. Related: Access to treatment, Adherence, All topics, CD4 and viral load, Changing treatment, Children, Clinical trials, Complications and coinfections, COVID-19, Cure, Disclosure, Drug interactions, HIV reinfection (superinfection), HIV testing, HIV transmission, Life expectancy, Living with HIV long-term, Newly diagnosed, Opportunistic infections, Other tests, PEP/PEPSE, Pregnancy, PrEP, Recreational drugs, Research, Resistance, Sero different couples, Sexual health, Side effects, Southern Africa, Starting treatment, Stopping treatment, Supplements and herbs, Support, TB, Transgender, Travel.
Can I have a baby?
25 February 2024. Related: All topics, CD4 and viral load, Children, HIV transmission, Sero different couples.