
Can I go back to breastfeeding?

Hello, please I am a positive mother who just gave birth I started my baby’s life with breastfeeding for the 1st month and due to insufficient milk supply I had to switch to formula after 1 month 6 days.. while i was formula feeding i expressed breastmilk and worked on my body to get more supply of breastmilk and now i can say my breastmilk supply is back to normal. Now my current VL is undetectable and i am giving baby’s medication to her and am also strictly adhering to mine. Can i stop the formula and go bak to my exclusive breastfeeding? Thank you.


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby.

If you are intending to switch back once, there is only minimal risk of increasing transmission. Breastmilk will be more nutritionally complete and help baby’s immunity. In this case there is more benefit to switching back which outweighs the very small risk of transmission.

As you have mentioned, after switching back to breastfeeding. This should be exclusive until baby is at least 6 months. From this age there is no risk of switching between different types of feeds and you will be able to start introducing solids.
