I started TLD with a CD4 of 27. When can I stop other meds?

My CD4 is only 4 and I also have TB – what can i expect?

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How do I switch the time of my treatment?

Can I take my booster before Rifafour?

Do I need to take ARVs and TB medication when pregnant?

Do I have TB?

Why have i been given the TB med isoniazid?

Can Tribuss be given to someone with TB and pneumonia?

Should I take TB meds?

Could I infect my husband with TB?

Can I avoid getting TB?

Do I need to take ARVs as well as TB meds with a high CD4 count?

Can I use a Mantoux test for TB with a high CD4 count?

Can you get TB with a high CD4 count?

Can you please tell me about the GeneXpert test for TB?

Should my friend start ART with their TB meds?

Am I doing okay after taking TB and HIV treatment?

How long should I take Isoniziad for?

Just diagnosed with HIV and TB and my CD4 count is 125…

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