
Do I have TB?

Hi I’m taking my ARVs and suddenly I started to loose weight.

Is this because I am not taking my meds for preventing TB?

I have a cough that sometimes gives out sputum now and then, so should I be worried that I might have TB maybe?



Please talk to your doctor or clinic about the weight loss. This isn’t something we can diagnose online. Your doctor will will be able to see how much weight you have lost and over what time.

They can also talk about other things in your life that could cause this.

Please also talk about the cough. This is important.

If these are symptoms of TB, or another infection, the doctor can make sure you get the right treatment. The only way to get a diagnosis and treatment is to talk to your doctor about this.

Further info

TB and HIV coinfection (from the i-Base training manual)

UK (BHIVA) guidelines on HIV and TB coinfection.

This answer was updated in May 2023 from a question from August 2013.


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