
My CD4 is only 4 and I also have TB – what can i expect?

My CD4 count is currently 4, I contracted Tb and am very weak. What can I expect?


Hi there

Thanks for your email.

Were you only just diagnosed with HIV and TB at the same time?

If yes, then it is important to treat both infections, but TB is usually treated first for two weeks. Then HIV meds are started. This is so the TB symptoms get better and you get more energy back before starting HIV meds.

Your doctor should also give you other antibiotics to protect your against other infections until your CD4 count gets stronger.

If you have been HIV positive and on treatment for a while, then your HIV meds are no longer working and you need to use a new combination.

Even though it might take a few months for your CD4 count to increase above 50, there is a really good chance that both treatments will work well and you will slowly get stronger.

Your doctor needs to be an expert in both HIV and TB or to use a group of experts to treat you.


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