
Do I need to take ARVs and TB medication when pregnant?

I am 4 months pregnant and HIV+.

I started taking treatment last month after being diagnosed with a CD4 count 311. I recently went for my second appointment for my treatment and they gave me TB treatment at the clinic without checking me. I’m not sick or having any signs of TB they just said it is to prevent TB from occurring.

So my question is will I have TB if i’m not taking the treatment with the Vitamin B6. I m already taking ARVs and having side effects. I don’t know my viral load yet.

My concern is the baby. Will my baby be at risk if I don’t take the TB treatment or should I consult a doctor insisted of a clinic?

I was reading some of the stories on your website and they helped me a lot with dealing with HIV. I read them every day, but now I’m scared that I have to take TB treatment without being sick.


The TB meds are to protect you and your baby from TB.

If your clinic recommended them, it is important to take them.

Please ask your clinic to explain this aspect of your treatment. When the risk of TB is high these meds will protect you and your baby and they are wisely used. 

This might be becasue you came into contact with TB as a child. Taking the meds now will reduce the risk that TB becomes active.

Most side effects get easier. If they are too difficult, please talk to a doctor at the clinic. Good luck with everything. 

Further info

TB and HIV coinfection (from the i-Base training manual)

UK (BHIVA) guidelines on HIV and TB coinfection.

This answer was updated in May 2023 from a question from November 2016.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gracious, as you are now in the second trimester this medication is safer to use. Do you know why you have been given it?

    This medication can be used in pregnant people however this should only be done under the recommendation of a doctor.

  2. Gracious

    Hi good day I would like to know,, I’m currently four months pregnant and I was given 56durobac tablets at the clinic, later I realized it’s written not for pregnant women and I had taken one doze will that affect the fetus

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Netsai, what tablets are you taking for Tb prevention and HIV? All first line medications for Tb are safe in pregnancy: Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide. Regardless of combination, continuing with ARVs throughout pregnancy is recommend to keep both you and baby safe.

  4. netsai

    am taking tb prevetion tablets and arvs should l get pregnent because l need it.


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