
Where can I access anoscopy in the UK?


The comments to this article list UK clinics that were running services at the time but please check them to see if they are still running.

Homerton Hospital has the most established service and needs a GP or specialist referral.

UCL are running a national study called SEPAC for gay men older than 40 at five hospitals.

The Royal Free Hospital has an ‘opt in’ referral pathway straight to an HRA clinic and plan to start a programme where based on people checking themselves monthly, similar to self-breast exams. They can then report lumps or changes early.

The Chelsea and Westminster Hospital have services at 10 Hammersmith Broadway, the Kobler Centre and 56 Dean Street that includes anal smears tests and anoscopy to those with higher grade abnormalities.

Although this list is London-centric, other services are likely to be available nationally.

Please also remember that interpreting the results also involves expert advice.


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