
Is my partner at risk if my viral load blipped to 240?

Hi there. I have been positive for almost 7 years and been been undetectable all this time.

But almost two months ago I had an STI, went to the clinic only to find out my viral load had become detectable again (240). However, results after two weeks showed undetected again.

Does my girlfriend stand a risk of getting infected? ( she got infected with the other STI tho.


Hi there

Thanks, It is great you went for the check-up and treatment and sorry that your partner caught the other STI.

HIV is much more difficult to catch than other STIs though.

The risk is also related to how high viral load is, and 240 is still really low. Even if it actually went higher in the time before you were tested your partner will still be okay.

For example, many years ago, a heterosexual study reported no transmissions in heterosexual couples when viral load was less than 1600 copies/mL.*

Please do not worry about this.

best wishes


* Ref: Quinn et al, NEJM 2000.