
I am reticent to start treatment…

Hi, I am recently told over the phone by nurse at the local sexual health clinic that I am hiv positive. I had not had sex since my last test six months ago which was negative.
She made appointment for me to see a doctor the following week where I can ask my questions, and told me to drink lots of water.

I appear very well and healthy and have not had a day ill in well over twenty years, also I have not have an vaccines. I am reticent to start medications. Is there support for this option?


Hi, how are you doing?

How have you been coping since finding out you are HIV positive? do you have a support network around you e.g., friends, family, your doctor?

It is good that an appointment has been made to see your doctor. Have you got your questions sorted that you would like to ask?

It is good to hear that you are appearing well and healthy. Have you had any further tests done yet to test for your CD4 count and viral load?

By not having vaccines do you inc. childhood vaccines, or more recent ones like COVID?

Can I ask what about treatment you are reticent to start? Treatment is often well tolerated and new generation medication has very few side effects and most people find they are easily used long term.

This is a link about starting medication.

For pastoral support, The Terrance Higgins Trust would be suitable to contact. They will also be able to put you in contact with peer support groups.

With any questions regarding HIV treatment, i-base would be most appropriate to ask. We are an HIV treatment advocacy charity.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rog, thanks for sharing your story. It is always great to hear from people who are doing well on treatment.


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