Will a viral load of 28 c/mL put my partner at risk? What should I do?
3 December 2024. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, Sero different couples, Support.
My PCR quantitative test is 28 copies/ml for the first time. I’ve been on HAART for 10 years and I’m in a soroconcordant relationship. What should I do?
Hi there
Please do not worry as nothing is different to your previous test results that were undetectable,
Even at these very low levels it is very common tor blip results that are only just detectable. this might just be a random result. Recent illness, or a recent flu or covid vaccine that can cause small blips.
Your partner will not have been at any risk so long as your viral load is less than 200 copies/mL. Even if it goes a bit higher than this – ie stying less than 1000 copies/mL – the chance of HIV risk is still incredibly low.
In the UK, the viral load would be retested in a few weeks. This is nearly always undetectable again without needing to change anything.
Being careful with adherence until the next test is important too.