13 March 2019: vol 20 no 3 – First reports from CROI 2019

This issue of HTB includes the first ten reports from the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2019).

This year the meeting was particularly important and lively with headline news on the UK case of HIV remission released before the study was even presented.

Other news in this issue includes phase 3 results for long-acting cabotegravir/rilpivirine injections and the data showing that tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) is an effective base for PrEP.

We include two studies showing faster viral suppression from using integrase inhibitors during pregnancy and drug interaction studies between HIV and TB medications.

We also highlight several CROI webcasts and include a review of a community cure workshop held just before the conference.

Further articles will continue to be published online as we report them, and they will also be compiled for the next issue of HTB.