Clinic forms
New patient first visit
1 September 2014. Related: Clinic forms, Publications.
New patient first visit PDF Six-page document for recording more detailed notes when seeing a patient for the first visit. The 2014 update is especially important for including a wider category of gender options in order to ensure transgender patients …
Adherence support chart and side effects diary
27 June 2008. Related: Clinic forms, HIV positive people, Publications, Resources.
Adherence support chart and side effects diary PDF Double-sided sheet for patients to record when they have taken their medication and on the reveres side a side effects diary, Adherence support chart PDF Single-sided sheet for patients to record when …
CD4 and viral load chart
26 June 2008. Related: Clinic forms, General, Publications, Resources.
CD4 and viral load chart PDF Single-sided sheet for patients to graph their CD4 and viral load results, and to explain when to start treatment. This is a generic version of a clinic form developed by i-Base and the Royal …
Cardiovascular risk
25 June 2008. Related: Clinic forms, Publications.
Cardiovascular risk PDF Single-sided sheet for recording a patients cardiovascular risk factors.
Hepatitis record sheet
21 June 2008. Related: Clinic forms, Publications.
Hepatitis record sheet PDF Single-sided sheet for recording hepatitis A/B/C status annually.
Day case
21 June 2008. Related: Clinic forms, Publications.
Day case PDF Single-sided sheet for recording patient notes when seen as a day case.
Patient update
21 June 2008. Related: Clinic forms, Publications.
Patient update PDF Single-sided annual summary including lab results.
Summary patient notes
21 June 2008. Related: Clinic forms, Publications.
Summary patient notes PDF Single-sided sheet summarising changes in ARV treatment. Revised Apr 08
Ethnic monitoring
21 June 2008. Related: Clinic forms, Publications.
Ethnic monitoring PDF 2-sided sheet for collecting voluntary information about patient ethnicity.