CD4 count and equivalent CD4% for babies and children
21 May 2009. Related: General, Resources.
CD4 counts are much higher for children than adults. A new-born baby for example can have a CD4 count that is 2-3,000 cells/mm3.
Because of this, children are monitored using CD4 percentage (CD4%). This is the percentage of white blood cells (lymphocytes) that are CD4 cells. The CD4% of an HIV-negative person is around 40%.
HIV disease category | CD4% | CD4 0-12 months old |
CD4 1-5 years old |
CD4 6-12 years old |
Category 1 – no damage | 25% or over | over 1,500 | over 1,000 | over 500 |
Category 2 – moderate | 15-24% | 750-1,500 | 500-1,000 | 200-500 |
Category 3 – severe | less than 15% | less than 750 | less than 500 | less than 200 |