
18 reports from IAS 2019

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

The 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019) in Mexico City was held from 21 – 24 July 2019.

The meeting included more than 5,000 participants from more than 140 countries.

This year the meeting had a particulaly exciting programme:

  • An important (and optimistic) update on neural tube defects with dolutegravir, with a comprehensive review of the latest data.
  • Updates to WHO treatment guidelines
  • A strong focus on new antiretroviral drugs, including for PrEP.
  • ART strategies with new and existing drugs.

The programme is already posted online, with abstracts and PowerPoint slides available for many of the presentations.


Webcasts from oral presentations, including the opening sessions are posted to the conference YouTube channel.

Early HTB reports will be posted below as soon as they are available.

These include: