CD4 and viral load results

These blood tests monitor your health and your response to ART.

Even rough figures from your history are useful and your doctor can give you with these.

The CD4 count and viral load results when you were first diagnosed and before you started treatment (ART) are the most important, with rough dates.

Once you are on effective ART, most clinics focus on your viral load. This is so long as your CD4 count is above 350. The CD4 count is then only tested once every year or two – unless  there is a reason to check.

CD4 count This blood test checks your immune system. The CD4% is sometimes used to interpret a large change in your CD4 count.

Viral load This test measures the amount of HIV in a sample of blood.

Download CD4 and viral load results PDF (33Kb)
Record: Date (month/year); CD4 (cells/mm3); CD4%; Viral load

Last updated: 10 January 2022.