
How is my CD4 count related to my health?

Your CD4 count is closely related to your overall health.

Your first CD4 result shows whether HIV has already affected your immune system. Once on ART, you CD4 count shows whether you also need other meds or not.

Above 500, the risk of HIV-related problems is very low. The START study showed that there are still benefits to being on ART with a high CD4 count. ART reduced the risk of serious complications.

Above 350, you still have a very good immune system but still are at higher risk of TB. As it drops below 350, the risk of skin or digestion problems increase.

Below 200 there is an added risk of a pneumonia called PCP.

Below 100 there is a higher risk of other very serious illnesses.

Below 50 the risks are higher still. This includes from a virus called CMV. CMV can cause permanent sight loss. A CD4 count this low requires special eye checks.

HIV meds are much easier to take than drugs used to treat these HIV-related problems.

Although you may be worried about treatment, HIV is still a very real and life-threatening illness.

Last updated: 1 September 2024.