HIV Tedavi Bülteni (HTB Turkey)
28 October 2018. Related: Journals, Publications, Translations, Turkish.
Since 2010, HIV Tedavi Bülteni Türkiye (HTB Turkey) is a Turkish-language publication produced by an independent group of Turkish doctors, activists and health care workers.
This bulletin is published In April, August and December each year.
PDF of all editions are available on the Ege Üniversitesi HIV/AIDS Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (EGEHAUM) website.
PDF files from earlier editions are included below.
HTB Türkiye Aralik_2013 (5.5 Mb) No 9 – December 2013
HTB Türkiye Agustos 2013 (2.6 Mb) No 8 – August 2013
HTB Türkiye Nisan 2013 (3.3 Mb) No. 7 – April 2013
HTB Türkiye Aralik 2012 (5.2 Mb) No. 6 – December 2012
HTB Türkiye Agustus 2012 (1.2 Mb) No. 5 – August 2012
HTB Türkiye Nisan 2012 PDF (1.5 Mb) No. 4 – April 2012
HTB Türkiye Agustos 2011 PDF (1.5 Mb) No. 3 – August 2011
HTB Türkiye Nisan 2011 PDF (2.6MB) 2nd edition – April 2011
HTB Türkiye 2010 PDF (2MB) 1st edition – 2010
Based on the i-Base publication HTB, it will be published three times a year and distributed in hard-copy and electronic versions to all HIV-treating doctors, clinics and patient groups in Turkey and to Turkish-speaking doctors in the surrounding regions.
It is a project of Ege University HIV/AIDS Practice and Research Centre (EGEHAUM, and its director, Dr Deniz Gökengin, in collaboration with HIV i-Base and International HIV Partnerships (IHIVP,, a UK/US-based resource consultancy which works with HIV stakeholders to develop effective responses to HIV and related conditions.
New editions can also be downloaded from the university website.