HTB 12 March 2020 online: news from CROI 2020

This edition of HTB includes first reports from CROI 2020, which in response to the fast-changing health implications of coronavirus, this year became a virtual meeting.

This kept more than 95% of the programme, with speakers broadcasting from their laptops at home and webcasts available to delegates in real time and only slightly later than usual online. Abstracts and posters also now online as open access.

The first reports in HTB cover the special session on SERS-CoV-2 (the coronavirus associated with COVID-19), new information on long-acting pipeline drugs (that really have the potential to revolutionise both treatment and PrEP), an update on weight gain with dolutegravir, and two reports on the London Patient, who is not only the second person cured of HIV, but who has also decided to talk openly about his experience.

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