
HTB July/August 2010 now online

HTB coverIn this issue we lead with reports from the 18th International AIDS Conference, which took place in Vienna in July.

As we explain in our introduction, access to treatment, to which there are many barriers – including unjust legislation, donor funding and lack of commitment from local governments – is always the focus of this meeting.

We will look at some of the aspects of treatment access in our next issue, togther with side effects and other complications.

In this issue we report the headline grabbing results from the CAPRISA 004 trial, which proved the principle that an antiretroviral microbicide can protect against HIV transmission. Although there is a lot more work to be done, this was an important finding in a field with little success to date.

We also report on new drug development, antiretroviral strategies and maternal and child health.

HTB July/August 2010 contents.

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