HTB October 2022 now online

This issue of HTB includes further reports from the 24th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2022) and the International Paediatric HIV Workshop, both held in Montreal.

Notable news includes first PK data using a paediatric formulation of dolutegravir with TAF-based backbone.

We also include another special report on monkeypox (MPX) (our fifth this year) with another six articles later in the issue. The importance of the continued focus on MPX is because more than 40% of cases have been reported in men who are living with HIV. This has been reported as a potential factor for hospitalisations out other worse outcomes in some cohorts (notably in the US).

Other news includes that research into islatravir as a novel HIV treatment will now restart although not for HIV prevention, which will move to a second-generation compound called MK-8537.