HTB Turkey – August 2011
1 September 2011. Related: News.
HIV Tedavi Bülteni Türkiye (HTB Turkey) is a Turkish-language publication produced by an independent group of Turkish doctors, activists and health care workers.
The third edition is now available.
HTB Türkiye.3_Agustos_2011 PDF (1.5 Mb) 3rd Edition – August 2011
HTB Türkiye.2 Nisan 2011 PDF (2.6MB) 2nd edition – April 2011
HTB Türkiye.1 2010 PDF (2MB) 1st edition – 2010
Based on the i-Base publication HTB, it is published three times a year and distributed in hard-copy and electronic versions to all HIV-treating doctors, clinics and patient groups in Turkey and to Turkish-speaking doctors in the surrounding regions.
It is a project of Ege University HIV/AIDS Practice and Research Centre (EGEHAUM, and its director, Dr Deniz Gökengin, in collaboration with HIV i-Base and International HIV Partnerships (IHIVP,, a UK/US-based resource consultancy which works with HIV stakeholders to develop effective responses to HIV and related conditions.