
HTB Turkey – new Turkish-language edition

The first issue of HTB Turkey (HIV Tedavi Bülteni – Türkiye), a new Turkish-language information periodical has been produced by an independent group of Turkish doctors, activists and health care workers.

HTB Türkiye.1 2010 PDF (2MB)

Based on the i-Base edition of HTB, we are very excited to support this exciting new publication and we wish the team every success.

The 44-page Bulletin, will be published three times a year and distributed in hard-copy and electronic versions to all HIV-treating doctors, clinics and patient groups in Turkey and to Turkish-speaking doctors in the surrounding region.

It is a project of Ege University HIV/AIDS Practice and Research Centre (EGEHAUM) and its director, Dr Deniz Gökengin, in collaboration with HIV i-Base and International HIV Partnerships (IHIVP), a UK/US-based resource consultancy which works with HIV stakeholders to develop effective responses to HIV and related conditions.

Most of the HTB -Turkey pieces appeared first as English-language articles in HIV i-Base’s HIV Treatment Bulletin. International HIV Partnerships liaised amongst HIV i-Base, Deniz Gökengin, community advocates and funders to develop and support the plan. Deniz Gökengin and her EGEHAUM colleagues recruited the Turkish editorial board, comprised of leading doctors and treatment activists; provided the local Turkish news, information, interviews and calendar; and coordinated all translation, design and distribution.

We hope this publication can serve as an effective resource for Turkish HIV stakeholders and an inspiration for similar projects in other countries and regions.