PrEP for women

This page is part of Pocket ART, an easy guide to HIV treatment.

PrEP for Women logo

PrEP is a pill that can protect women from HIV.

It is away to use HIV drugs to stay HIV negative – even when not using condoms.

PrEP for women – and translations

This leaflet is an introduction to how PrEP works and buying PrEP online. Produced with the Sophia Forum.

PrEP for Women is also available in the following languages as PDF files to download or view online.

For printed leaflets please order from i-Base (free in the UK) or email Sophia Forum at

Full guide to PrEP in the UK

i-Base also produce more detailed information covering all aspects of PrEP.

The guide is available in print and online.

The third edition of this 24-page A5 booklet includes new information about PrEP and women, and PrEP and trans and non binary people.

Also about access to PrEP in the UK which is now free from the NHS.

PrEP in Scotland

PrEP in Scotland is a new booklet produced by the PrEP coordination group in Scotland.