PrEP in Scotland (July 2018)

PrEP in Scotland coverPrEP in Scotland is a the second edition of a booklet produced by the PrEP coordination group in Scotland.

PrEP In Scotland (2nd edition) July 2018 – download/view PDF file

More information about PrEP in Scotland can be found at

The guide includes information on:

  • Who could benefit from PrEP.
  • Access to PrEP in Scotland.
  • Different ways to take PrEP.
  • Daily and on-demand dosing.
  • Monitoring and testing.

PrEP in Scotland is based on the i-Base UK guide to PrEP.

The main differences are based on PrEP being available free on the NHS in Scotland. So the UK guide has more information about buying PrEP online and the upcoming IMPACT trial.

The UK guide also includes additional pages on PrEP for women and people who are trans and non binary.