Reports from12th EACS conference

The following reports from the 12th European AIDS Society Conference held in November 2009, Cologne are included in the January/February issue of HTB.

  • Screening for anal cancer recommended for HIV-positive men
  • Once-daily darunavir/r monotherapy is suboptimal as initial regimen in treatment-naïve people
  • Central fat accumulation remains a significant problem in patients starting HAART after 2005 with higher incidence in women compared to men
  • Alendronate improves bone mineral density in HIV-positive people with osteoporosis at 96 weeks
  • Pilot PK study of two generic paediatric formulations of lopinavir/ritonavir vs originator products
  • TMC278 does not show teratogenic potential in animal models
  • No clinically relevant interactions between TMC278 and oral contraceptives (norethindrone plus ethinylestradiol)
  • Etravirine pregnancy data from five cases: no dose adjustment required
  • Selected PK and drug interaction summaries at EACS