Conference materials and online publications

HIV Reservoir Characterisation Symposium

Abstract from this workshop held on 19 September 2016 in Ghent.

Topics in HIV Medicine: CROI 2016 summaries

The May/June 2016 of IAS-USA’s Topics in HIV Medicine is online free with comprehensive summaries report from CROI 2016.

  • Basic Science Review – Stevenson M.
  • Hot Spots in HIV Infection and Advances in HIV Prevention – Buchbinder SP and Liu AY.
  • Neurologic Complications of HIV Infection – Spudich SS and Ances B.
  • Complications of HIV Infection and Antiretroviral Therapy – Havlir DV and Currier JS.
  • Viral Hepatitis and Liver Fibrosis – Luetkemeyer AF and Wyles DL.
  • Advances in Antiretroviral Therapy – Taylor BS et al.

Journal of the IAS: special issue on PrEP

Produced to coincide with the opening of the Treatment for Prevention (R4P) conference being held in Chicago in October 2016.

Transgender populations and HIV: unique risks, challenges and opportunities

Wansom T, Guadamuz TE and Vasan S.,_challenges_and_opportunities/

Due to unique social, behavioural, structural and biological issues, transgender (TG) populations, especially TG women, are at high risk for HIV acquisition.

This increased risk is multifactorial, due to differing psychosocial risk factors, poorer access to TG-specific healthcare, a higher likelihood of using exogenous hormones or fillers without direct medical supervision, interactions between hormonal therapy and antiretroviral therapy, and direct effects of hormonal therapy on HIV acquisition and immune control.

Further research is needed to elucidate these mechanisms of risk and to help design interventions to reduce HIV risk among transgender populations.

HIV in primary care – an essential guide for GPs, practice nurses and other members of the primary healthcare team.


HIV in Primary Care: an essential guide for GPs, practice nurses and other members of the primary healthcare team. Third edition by Dr Philippa Matthews, Dr Sara Madge, Dr Surinder Singh and Dr Nick Theobald. With forewords by Professor Maureen Baker, Chair of Council, Royal College of General Practitioners, and Silvia Petretti, Deputy Chief Executive, Positively UK.

Revised and updated for 2016, this 128-page booklet provides essential information about HIV for GPs and the primary healthcare team, specifically: the clinical diagnosis of HIV in primary care (with photos), how to offer an HIV test and give results, primary healthcare for people with HIV including reproductive health and immunisation, how to complement HIV specialist care, and practice policies and systems. It concludes with a quick reference guide to antiretrovirals, drug interactions and side effects, managing HIV-related problems, information for patients and a list of useful HIV and sexual health organisations and websites.

HIV in Primary Care is instructive, practical and easy to use with a comprehensive index and full colour illustrations.

Printed copies of the new edition can be obtained from MEDFASH at £12 per copy (bulk discounts available) by contacting:, or the pdf version can be downloaded for £5.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.