On the web

IAS public letter: Why HIV could be poised for a monumental comeback

Chiva short films on children and HIV shortlisted for charity award

HIVR4P 2024 conference resources now open access

WHO toolkit to strengthen engagement of health workers in emergency responses

US NIAID updates HIV guide to person-centred language

Long COVID essentials: link to online resources

CHAI six-monthly market report (July 2024)

HIV pipeline: global overview for people in LMICs

CHIVA resources for children living with HIV

“Let’s talk about sex work”: A terminology statement and guide

An activist’s guide to rifapentine-based TB prevention (2024)

Two new webinars on global approaches to integrase inhibitor drug resistance

Remarkable impact of DNDi over 20 years

EACS 2023: EATG video campaign against HIV stigma

Long-term survivors & HIV cure research

David Wojnarowicz: F**k You F*ggot F**ker – now online

Training webinar: 2nd HIV from A to Z

UK-CAB online training: webinar programme every two weeks

24th International Workshop on Long-term Complication of HIV and SARS-CoV-2

Selected reports launched at AIDS 2022

CROI 2022: LEAP Workshop online: research into long-acting drugs

CHAI 2021 HIV market report: the state of the HIV market in low- and middle-income countries

IAS 2021 website now open access

Ending the HIV epidemic (EHE) in the US

Selected plenary talks and workshops from BHIVA 2020

AIDS 2020: Virtual online translated resources 

Modern ART – community video

AVAC web interviews about new treatments to prevent HIV

BHIVA virtual conference: Best of CROI and COVID-19 update

Access and procurement to ARVs in the Russian federation

HIV in the UK – 2019 reports and data

Leave no one behind: A manifesto for hepatitis C elimination

Women and HIV research: free educational webcasts

HIV criminalisation: report from HIV Justice Network

Venezuela: report on health and humanitarian emergency

Selected webcasts from BHIVA 2019

Reports from cure strategies meetings

Recent papers from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study newsletter

Fit for the Future: NHS long-term plan explained

Conference abstracts online

Chemsex: online resources

TAGline: Intellectual Property and Access

Influencing and monitoring PEPFAR country programmes

Essential viewing: Live Growing Up – CHIVA 2018 video…

Alcohol and HIV: new issue of RITA

We learn, we think, we change: Martin Fisher Foundation and Stiggy launch campaign to end stigma

RITA: issue on lung health

Cure research: open access publications

US community call for coalition for long-term survivors

Online database of more than 200 studies on HIV cure research

Community survey on treatment interruptions (ATIs) in cure research

Webcasts on PrEP and women

Sexual identity and HIV

Modern ART in Africa: new resources

New online animation of HIV lifecycle

Legal Aide – an app if arrested for personal drug possession

IAS reviews

TAGline Spring 2018

HCV advocacy training manual

PrEP resources for access

HIV conversations in the UK

Women in Science: IAS feature

Yale CRIT conference: blogs on the threats from changes to drug regulation in the US and Europe

Liverpool University PK online videos

New booklets for trans women and men – from cliniQ

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