HIV conversations in the UK
9 February 2018. Related: On the web.

A selection of activists with online interviews:
A growing online resource of interviews with people who have been involved with the response to HIV in the UK.
Each interview lasts about 30 minutes and follows an overlapping structure of about 12 questions.
The majority of interviews are with HIV positive community activists but include other support workers, volunteers, doctors and nurses.
The diversity of the group provides insight into some inspiring stories from a few of the people who have made a difference to the HIV response in the UK.
So far, interviewees include Jonathan Blake, Jane Bruton, Ben Collins, Paul Decle, Barry Drew, Brian Gazzard, Catarina, Jean Hunt, Dan Glass, Fernando Monteiro, Angelina Namiba, Greg Owen, Silvia Petretti and Marc Thompson.
For further information, please contact Patrick Cash at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.