IAS reviews

CROI 2018 articles


CROI 2018: Epidemic trends and advances in HIV prevention
Susan Buchbinder, Albert Y. Liu
https://www.iasusa.org/sites/default/files/uploads/26-1-buchbinder-liu.pdf (PDF)

CROI 2018: Basic science review
Mario Stevenson
https://www.iasusa.org/sites/default/files/tam/26-1-17.pdf (PDF)

Check back for the upcoming complete issue.

CROI 2018: Advances in antiretroviral therapy
Hong Van Tieu, Barbara S. Taylor, Joyce Jones, Timothy J. Wilkin.

CROI 2018: Neurologic complications of HIV infection
Serena S. Spudich and Beau M. Ances

CROI 2018: Complications of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy
Judith S. Currier and Diane V. Havlir

CROI 2018: Highlights of viral hepatitis
Anne F. Luetkemeyer and David L. Wyles

Cure research

HIV infection – Advances toward a Cure
Daniel Douek

Transcript of a useful overview of cure reearch from mid-2017.
https://www.iasusa.org/sites/default/files/tam/25-4-121.pdf (PDF)

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.