
CROI 2025: Switching to daily fixed-dose doravirine/islatravir: two randomised phase 3 studies

CROI 2025: N6LS: 4-monthly injectable bNAb with monthly injectable cabotegravir

CROI 2025: Reducing Biktarvy from daily to only once, twice or three times a week

CROI 2025: Potential for once-yearly lenacapavir injections

Lenacapavir for PrEP submitted to EMA for EU and global use

EU license for injectable cabotegravir/rilpivirine injections expanded to include adolescents >12 years old

ART pipeline 2025: exciting dual long-acting combinations and the challenge of generic dolutegravir

Transient impact of lenacapavir against MDR HIV-2 without other active ART

Lenacapavir submitted to the US FDA with an indication for HIV PrEP

Once-weekly oral ART with islatravir plus lenacapavir sustains results to week 48

Dolutegravir/lamivudine vs triple ART have similar efficacy in advanced HIV infection with CD4 <200 and viral load >100,000

Impact on CD4 counts of once-monthly islatravir in PrEP studies: early macaque results with MK-8527 follow-on compound

AIDS 2024: Ten early reports

BMS to discontinue atazanavir/cobicistat (Evotaz) in September 2024

Five days on two days off: Biktarvy in pilot FOTO study

Subcutaneous formulation of long-acting CAB/RPV discontinued

First data on third-generation integrase inhibitor from ViiV

Switching to daily oral bictegravir and lenacapavir dual therapy to simplify ART in ARTISTRY-1 study

HIV pipeline: global overview for people in LMICs

Challenges with annual TAF implant

Drug resistance or side effects might limit ART in up to 1 in 10 people living with HIV

ART in early infection stops further viral evolution

Roche to discontinue enfuvirtide (T-20, Fuzeon)

CROI 2024: Pipeline ART – new drugs and formulations

CROI 2024: Promising results from first study of long-acting treatment in Africa

Five cases of viral failure on CAB-LA and RPV-LA injections

EACS 2023: Switching to daily fixed-dose doravirine/islatravir: 96-week results

First-line ART drops below US $45 a year for low-income countries

Potential for monthly injectable: nanoformulated tenofovir/3TC/dolutegravir

IAS 2023: Lenacapavir studies at IAS: weekly oral dosing and baseline sensitivity in non-clade B settings

IAS 2023: LA-CAB/RPV as first-line ART and implementation studies

IAS 2023: bNAbs for prevention and cure: antiviral and vaccine-like responses

Rapporteur summaries: track B clinical science

CAB-LA receives positive opinion for EU approval as PrEP

ART increases life expectancy by 30 to 40 years: impact of CD4 count, sex and calendar year

Generic versions of injectable PrEP could enable access to CAB-LA in low-income countries

CROI 2023: Pipeline HIV drugs and formulations for treatment and PrEP

CROI 2023: Six-monthly ART – lenacapavir + dual bNAbs maintains undetectable viral load for 26 weeks after single doses

CROI 2023: Other lenacapavir studies – experienced and naive updates, the dosing window, HIV-2 and PrEP

CROI 2023: Similar PK profile for thigh vs gluteal CAB/RPV-LA injections: accidental intravenous injection

CROI 2023: Efficacy of N6LS monotherapy correlated with baseline factors

Glasgow 2022: pipeline studies with bNAbs N6LS and maturation inhibitor GSK254

Glasgow 2022: doravirine updates

Glasgow 2022: long-acting cabotegravir/rilpivirine: adverse events, implementation and PROMs

Lenacapavir approved in the US for multidrug resistant HIV

More evidence for recycling tenofovir in second-line ART with dolutegravir: 72-week results from ARTIST study

Low level viral load on effective ART is linked to clonal expansion of reservoir: not affected by modifying ART

Integrase inhibitors associated with higher increases in CD4:CD8 ratio than PI- or NNRTI-based ART

Glasgow 2022: Impact of islatravir on lymphocyte counts in a dose-ranging study: a post-hoc analysis

Glasgow 2022: Islatravir studies to use 0.25 mg daily dose to overcome risk of reducing CD4 and total lymphocytes

Glasgow 2022: Fostemsavir 240 week results from BRIGHTE study

Glasgow 2022: Fostemsavir: QT prolongation and drug-drug interactions

Early HIV diagnosis and treatment are important for better long-term health

EU recommends approval of dispersible abacavir/lamivudine/dolutegravir FDC for children weighing 14 to >25 kg

AIDS 2022: Efficacy of DTG- vs EFV-based first-line ART in advanced HIV with CD4 <50 cells/mm3

Islatravir update: treatment studies to use a lower dose but PrEP research discontinued in favour of MK-8537

Low levels of RPV-LA might explain failure with injectable ART despite perfect adherence

Lenacapavir approved in the EU and UK to treat multidrug resistant HIV

Dolutegravir-based ART in children and adolescents: effective in six African countries

Early data on injecting CAB/RPV-LA into thigh muscle

Simplifed lenacapavir dosing: PK results in HIV negative study

Lenacapavir gets positive opinion for approval in the EU to treat MDR HIV

Combination bNAb’s sustain viral suppression for 40 weeks: phase 1 results

Lenacapavir in MDR HIV: phase 3 results of CAPELLA study published

ViiV licenses long-acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA) for generic access

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