
Summary of Australian guidelines for anal cancer screening in people living with HIV

BHIVA pregnancy guidelines online for comment: deadline 25 January

IAS-USA 2024 guidelines for HIV treatment and prevention: some differences to EACS and UK

EACS guidelines: New format and contents includes chemsex

Double dose start for oral PrEP in new EACS guidelines – rapid protection in two hours

Major update of UK PrEP guidelines online for public consultation

New European guidelines for HIV-related lymphoma

South African guidelines do not include dapivirine ring: low efficacy and high price

Updated WHO guidelines for HIV PEP (July 2024)

New US screening guidelines to reduce risk of anal cancer in people living with HIV

European guidelines on statins in people living with HIV (EACS 2024)

New CDC guidelines recommend selected use of doxy-PEP in the US (2024)

Updated BHIVA guidelines on HIV-related opportunistic infections (2024)

Australia Consensus Statement on doxy-PEP proposes limited use in gay and bisexual men

US guidelines recommend earlier use of statins in people living with HIV

BHIVA recommendations on measles in the UK

BHIVA update guidance on shingles vaccine

EACS 2023: European guidelines fully revised (October 2023)

HIV guidelines recommend a statin for all people older than 40: new BHIVA document

New UK vaccine schedule for HPV depends on HIV status

UK shingles vaccine: changes from 1 September 2023

New guidelines on cognitive impairment in people living with HIV

BHIVA guidelines modify assessment of cardiovascular risk (2023)

BHIVA guidelines on non-TB mycobacteria (NTM)

Low level viral load on effective ART is linked to clonal expansion of reservoir: not affected by modifying ART

BHIVA 2022 ART guidelines: online with non-technical summary

National HIV prescribing for England 2022: algorithms and policies

EACS Guidelines update (2022)

IAS–USA Guidelines on HIV Treatment and Prevention (2022)

US guidelines on HIV-related OIs online for comment

Draft BHIVA guidelines online for comment: deadline 9 June

BHIVA interim guidance on long-acting cabotegravir and rilpivirine injections

EACS Guidelines: 11th edition (October 2021)

BHIVA guidelines for the management of HIV-2 (2021)

US HIV treatment guidelines updated (June 2021)

NICE guidelines on management of chronic pain: exercise but not opiods

BHIVA guidelines on COVID-19 vaccines and people living with HIV: DRAFT online for comment

EACS guidelines updated (v.10.1) for Glasgow conference

BASHH 2020 PEP guidelines: online for comment

New BHIVA guidelines: B/F/TAF now preferred first-line ART and reduced HIV monitoring in the UK during COVID-19

US HIV Guidelines updated (December 2019)

BHIVA 2019 audit shows early access to ART but U=U and peer support both need to be improved

EACS launch major update to European Treatment Guidelines (November 2019)

NHS England best practice in HIV prescribing and multidisciplinary teams

WHO update PrEP guidelines to include event-based dosing

UK issue joint guidelines on HIV discrimination in tattoo and beauty salons

WHO recommends dolutegravir-based ART regimens for all

IAS–USA update of drug resistance mutations (2019)

BHIVA guidelines for adult TB/HIV coinfection (2018)

UK BHIVA pregnancy guidelines updated (2018)

US adult HIV guidelines updated (Oct 2018)

EACS guidelines – version 9.1 update (2018)

UK PrEP guidelines now online (2018)

Access to viral load testing increased from 14% to 61% over two years in Côte d’Ivoire

WHO recommends dolutegravir widely but women’s access will depend on contraception provision (2018)

FDA guidance for developing paediatric ARVs: online for comment (2018)

A new framework for best HIV care: BHIVA Standards of Care revised and updated (2018)

Key changes to upcoming UK HIV pregnancy guidelines (2018)

BHIVA standards of HIV care (2018): online for comment

UK HIV pregnancy guidelines (2018): online for comment

UK guidelines on TB/HIV co-infection: online for comment to 9 February (2018)

US HIV guidelines updated (October 2017): dropping “HIV-infected”

Updated European guidelines launched at EACS 2017

Sexual and reproductive health: draft UK guidelines online for comment (2017)

UK PrEP guidelines: online for comment (Oct 2017)

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