Vaccines and microbicides

CROI 2024: Opening lecture calls for scientists to speak up for LGBTQ+ rights in Uganda

BHIVA update guidance on shingles vaccine

IAS 2023: bNAbs for prevention and cure: antiviral and vaccine-like responses

Early phase 1 HIV vaccine study launched in the US and South Africa

IAS 2023: Rapporteur summary Track A – basic science

Phase 3 Mosaico HIV vaccine efficacy trial stopped early due to lack of benefit

Imbokodo trial results highlight challenge of developing an HIV vaccine and urgent need for access to proven prevention tools

Moderna registers HIV vaccine study

Phase 1 HIV mosaic vaccine study launched at Oxford university

Large phase 3 HIV vaccine study in south Africa is stopped early due to lack of efficacy

FluAGE study supports BHIVA recommendations for HIV positive people to have annual flu shot

HIV vaccine update: the “Miami macaque” as proof-of-concept breakthrough?

Preventive technologies: antiretroviral and vaccine development

High prevalence of multiple high-risk HPV infections in young HIV positive gay men

Anal cancer and HPV screening in HIV positive people

Dapivirine PrEP vaginal ring shows only limited PrEP protection against HIV in African women

Remarkable results with dolutegravir monotherapy

Preventive Technologies: Antiretroviral and Vaccine Development

The Tuberculosis Vaccines Pipeline: A New Path to the Same Destination?

Molecular events in HIV neutralising antibody development

Preventive technologies: antiretroviral and vaccine development

The tuberculosis vaccine pipeline

Herpes Zoster vaccine safe and effective in HIV positive people

High dose flu vaccine improves antibody responses in HIV positive people

Preventive technologies, immune-based and gene therapies, and research towards a cure

Results from the Caprisa 004 tenofovir microbicide trial

Quadrivalent HPV vaccine reduces genital lesions and HPV acquisition in men

Immune-based therapies and preventive technologies pipeline

PRO 2000 microbicide gel does not pan out

Thai HIV Vaccine Trial results presented and published

The role of Ad5-specific CD4 T-cells in enhancing risk of HIV acquisition in the Merck vaccine trial

US cancel phase 3 HIV vaccine trial

Microbial translocation in immunological non-responders to ART

A surreal, deeply troubling week for AIDS vaccine research

Merck HIV vaccine trial is unblinded

Merck HIV vaccine trial halted by DSMB for lack of efficacy

Royalty-free license granted for development of tenofovir and topical microbicide

Two phase III HIV microbicide trials stopped due to increased transmission

Topical microbicides: the real front line of HIV prevention

Keystone vaccine symposia 2005: vaccines, pathogenesis, snow and a couple of elk

Human Papilloma Virus vaccines – a review of advances in the development of HPV vaccines

Keystone HIV Pathogenesis and Vaccine Report

VaxGen AIDSVAX vaccine fails in Thailand

Vaccine research: Can DNA vaccines get a boost from cytokines?

HIV vaccine symposium: more questions than answers

Pushing the envelope: a new dawn for the role of antibodies in immune control of HIV?

Vaxgen announces disappointing results from first large international vaccine trial

GMHC criticises Vaxgen for obfuscation of trial results of its AIDS vaccine

Behind the headlines about vaccine research

Trials of Immune Response Corp’s AIDS vaccine Remune may end after Pfizer drops financial support

Basis of HIV resistance suggests new vaccine strategy

Immune Response Corporation tried to block report on failure of Remune

United Kingdom authorities clear AIDS vaccine for human testing

Murabutide inhibits HIV replication in macrophages and dendritic cells

NIH suspends enrolment in Remune study