TB coinfection

An activist’s guide to rifapentine-based TB prevention (2024)

No increase in adverse birth outcomes with IPT-exposure in pregnancy in two African cohorts

DR-TB drugs under the microscope: five urgent actions to improve DR-TB treatment (6th edition)

Efavirenz 600 mg exposure appears sufficient with high-dose daily rifapentine

Antiretroviral pharmacokinetics in pregnancy: update from IMPAACT P1026s

FDA advisory committee votes favorably on use of pretomanid with bedaquiline and linezolid for drug-resistant TB

Bedaquiline and delamanid safe when given together to treat drug resistant TB

Isoniazid preventative therapy in HIV positive pregnant women not linked to poor outcomes

Dolutegravir can be given with 3HP to prevent TB without dose adjustment

Double doses of darunavir given with rifampicin lead to high rates of hepatoxicity

BHIVA guidelines for adult TB/HIV coinfection (2018)

Activists demand $1 a day access to bedaquiline for MDR TB

Dolutegravir twice daily is effective and tolerable with rifampicin: 48 week results from the INSPIRING study

Rifabutin dosed 2.5 mg/kg daily with lopinavir/r in children achieves comparable exposure to adults 

Boosted darunavir 800/100 mg twice daily might overcome interaction with rifampicin

Dolutegravir 50 mg twice daily sufficient with rifampicin but levels reduced significantly with 100 mg once daily 

Isoniazid preventive TB therapy in pregnancy and postpartum: recommendations now need to be re-evaluated

Doubling raltegravir dose could overcome interaction with rifampicin in children aged 2 to 6

Twice-daily bictegravir does not overcome drug interaction with rifampicin

Dual therapy can reduce TB prophylaxis from nine months to one: fewer side effects and more people complete treatment

Twice-daily dolutegravir is effective and tolerable with rifampicin 

Once-daily tenofovir alafenamide appears sufficient when dosed with rifampicin

Efavirenz 400 mg can be given with anti-tuberculosis treatment 

Twice-daily tenofovir alafenamide dose might overcome interaction with rifampicin

Breakthrough for treating XDR-TB and ameliorating TB-IRIS

Dolutegravir-based ART in combination with rifampicin-based TB treatment is safe in a small cohort of co-infected patients

Universal treatment of multi-drug resistant TB is possible within current budgets with generic production

Shortened nine-month MDR-TB treatment works well in children and adolescents

Levofloxacin: safety and tolerability in HIV positive and negative children treated for MDR-TB

Executive summary – tuberculosis

The tuberculosis diagnostics pipeline

The tuberculosis prevention pipeline

The tuberculosis treatment pipeline: activity, but no answers

The paediatric tuberculosis treatment pipeline: beyond pharmacokinetics and safety data

Promising first results with a 9-month regimen for multidrug resistant tuberculosis in French-speaking African countries

Pharmacokinetics of old and new TB drugs for children

The REALITY trial: cotrimoxazole/isoniazid/pyridoxine tablets are bioequivalent to individual products and are acceptable to participants

Price of MDR TB drugs could be greatly reduced with competitive generic manufacture

Pharmacokinetics of lopinavir/ritonavir super-boosting in infants and young children co-infected with HIV and TB

The Tuberculosis Treatment Pipeline: Moving Beyond “Making the Most of What We’ve Got”

Momentum in the Pediatric Tuberculosis Treatment Pipeline

The Tuberculosis Diagnostics Pipeline

The Tuberculosis Vaccines Pipeline: A New Path to the Same Destination?

New clinical trial for extensively drug resistant TB (XDR-TB)

MSF report and call to action: Promising new TB drugs are not reaching patients

Early HIV treatment and isoniazid prophylaxis: why TEMPRANO results do not yet support universal ART at CD4 counts >500

Good outcomes within the National Bedaquiline Clinical Access programme in South Africa

TB in the ARROW trial of children on ART

Problems giving current second line TB drugs to children

Treatment outcomes in HIV positive and negative people with drug resistant TB in Khayelitsha, Cape Town

Efavirenz pharmacokinetics among pregnant women with and without tuberculosis coinfection

The tuberculosis diagnostics pipeline

Tuberculosis drug development hobbles forward

Playing catch-up: paediatric tuberculosis treatment pipeline

The tuberculosis vaccines pipeline

Xpert TB test has important advantages but does not reduce morbidity

EMA recommends conditional approval of bedaquiline for drug resistant TB with orphan drug status

Preventing and treating TB in children – more baby steps

Activists call EU failure to approve delaminid for MDR tuberculosis due to limited data both “myopic and disappointing”

Executive summary and research policy recommendations

The tuberculosis diagnostics pipeline

The tuberculosis treatment pipeline

The tuberculosis vaccine pipeline

RIFAQUIN study demonstrates once-weekly dosing during follow-up phase of TB treatment

Combining Xpert and LAM urine testing improves TB diagnostic sensitivity

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