TB coinfection

Tuberculosis MVA85A vaccine trial shows lack of efficacy in infants

Paediatric TB: glimpses of PK data and a potential new approach to drug development

New UNITAID grants focus on paediatric HIV, TB and malaria

FDA approves bedaquiline for MDR TB: first new tuberculosis drug in half a century

US fund additional $11 million for Xpert TB diagnostics in 14 countries

Costs for rapid TB test reduced by 40%

Important advances in TB drug development

Need for expanded access to two promising MDR TB drugs

Randomised trial of ART in TB patients with high CD4 counts

WHO Guidelines on guidelines for the programmatic management of drug-resistant tuberculosis: 2011 update

IPT for adults: Should the Mantoux test have been removed from WHO guidelines?

Pharmacokinetics of different rifabutin dosing strategies with lopinavir/ritonavir-based ART

The tuberculosis treatment pipeline

The tuberculosis diagnostic pipeline

The tuberculosis vaccine pipeline

When to start ART in patients co-infected with TB: results from two trials presented at CROI

41st Union World Conference on Lung Health, 11-15 November 2010, Berlin

Faster conversion rates with TMC-207 versus placebo plus OBT for the treatment of MDR-TB

Xpert MTB-RIF validation study from Tanzania

GeneXpert demonstrates good sensitivity and specificity but at high cost

Pharmacokinetics of lopinavir/ritonavir incombination with rifampicin based TB treatment in children

Tuberculosis pipeline introduction

Tuberculosis diagnostic pipeline

Tuberculosis treatment pipeline

Tuberculosis vaccine pipeline

Maternal TB, HIV and pregnancy

Overview of TB-related studies at IAS

TMC207 reduces time to sputum conversion in phase II trial on patients with drug-resistant TB

High rate of lost and untested TB biopsy samples and low screening for latent TB

Double-dose lopinavir/ritonavir provides insufficient lopinavir exposure in children receiving rifampicin

PI-based ART in children with HIV and HIV/TB coinfection in South Africa

Nevirapine: fluconazole and TB treatment

WHO global TB control report highlights that 25% of TB-related deaths occur in HIV-positive people

Lack of efficacy of isoniazid (INH) prophylaxis and PK evaluation in South African infants

Treatment outcomes in patients who received rifampicin with nevirapine or efavirenz

HIV and TB co-infection and treatment charges in the UK

Long-term effectiveness of isoniazid prophylaxis on TB incidence in a cohort of IDUs

Plasma concentrations of efavirenz and lopinavir in children with and without rifampicin-based TB treatment

Extensively drug resistant TB (XTB) in South Africa

Extensively drug resistant tuberculosis: a serious wake-up call for global health

Global report on TB and HIV: new analysis of TB/HIV epidemics in Bangladesh, Brazil, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Thailand

HIV linked to lower rifampin and ethambutol AUCs in TB cohort

Dosing rifabutin and lopinavir/r – sub-optimal rifabutin levels reported in five patients dosed according to current guidelines

Tuberculosis in HIV-positive children often missed from incidence data: the influence of HAART on paediatric TB

NICE publishes TB guidelines in UK

WHO launches new stop TB strategy

Incidence of TB infection despite HAART and treatment in coinfected patients

Evaluation of ESAT-6 and CFP-10 as markers for response to TB treatment in HIV/TB coinfected patients

Efavirenz and rifampicin: lower body weight associated with higher concentrations

Responses to TB treatment in HIV positive and HIV negative patients in the UK

800mg efavirenz may not be needed with rifampicin-based TB regimens, especially in African patients

Steady state PK of nelfinavir and M8 in pregnancy

CDC study shows rifampin/pyrazinamide therapy can cause severe liver damage

New antibiotic appears effective against MDR-TB

New TB blood test shows promise

Coinfection does not appear to augment TB infectivity

Fatal and severe hepatitis associated with rifampin and pyrazinamide for the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection

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