PK and drug interactions

CROI 2025: Potential for once-yearly lenacapavir injections

Liverpool University Drug Interaction website recognised for global impact on research and care

New HIV drug interactions, statin resource and free hybrid workshop

Liverpool Drug Interactions: January update

FDA warns Amazon over supplements containing Viagra: hundreds of cases reported over ten years

Oral tenofovir/FTC increases clearance of bNAb VRC01: implications for future research

CROI 2023: CAB/RPV-LA levels are not reduced after switching from efavirenz

AIDS 2022: Gender-affirming hormones, weight gain and ART

Early data on injecting CAB/RPV-LA into thigh muscle

Simplifed lenacapavir dosing: PK results in HIV negative study

New neonatal liquid formulations of dolutegravir have comparable bioavailability to dispersible paediatric tablet

International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV, Hepatitis, and Other Antiviral Drugs

FTC exposure higher in young transgender men than cisgender controls

Levels of long-acting anti-HIV bNAb high in infants after 1 or 2 doses – but not high enough

Drug-drug interactions and COVID-19

Updates to Liverpool University drug interactions website

Fostemsavir interaction study flags strong CYP3A inducers, statins, oral contraceptives

Efavirenz 600 mg exposure appears sufficient with high-dose daily rifapentine

Drug-drug interactions between efavirenz and levonorgestrel influenced by genetic variants 

Infant dolutegravir exposure through placental and breastmilk transfer  

Double-dose levonorgestrel implant does not overcome interaction with efavirenz

Efavirenz and rifampicin together reduce levels of injectable contraception

Dolutegravir can be given with 3HP to prevent TB without dose adjustment

Double doses of darunavir given with rifampicin lead to high rates of hepatoxicity

Selected webcasts at CROI 2019

No significant decrease in raltegravir free fraction during pregnancy

Updates from Liverpool University drug interactions website

bNAbs for HIV prevention: extended-release VRC01, AMP study, 10E8 safety signal and pan-clade challenges

Dolutegravir dispersible tablets for infants and young children: early PK, safety and efficacy

Interactions between oral anticoagulants and Genvoya, Stribild and cobicistat: FDA label updates

Using PrEP with feminising hormone therapy supports daily PrEP dosing for transwomen

Unbound dolutegravir plasma concentrations unchanged in pregnancy and standard dosing crosses the placenta in placental perfusion model

Etravirine dispersible paediatric tablet has greater bioavailability when dispersed in water compared to swallowed whole  

Reduced exposure to elvitegravir in pregnancy: results from the PANNA Network  

Rifabutin dosed 2.5 mg/kg daily with lopinavir/r in children achieves comparable exposure to adults 

No clinically relevant reduction in oral cabotegravir when co-administered with rifabutin  

Boosted darunavir 800/100 mg twice daily might overcome interaction with rifampicin

Efavirenz side effects and other drug-drug interactions are common in Ugandan cohort

Dolutegravir 50 mg twice daily sufficient with rifampicin but levels reduced significantly with 100 mg once daily 

Vaginal ring reduces efavirenz but not atazanavir exposures 

Efavirenz might decrease effectiveness of the vaginal contraceptive ring

Doubling raltegravir dose could overcome interaction with rifampicin in children aged 2 to 6

Twice-daily bictegravir does not overcome drug interaction with rifampicin

Twice-daily dolutegravir is effective and tolerable with rifampicin 

Significant drug-drug interaction between dolutegravir and isoniazid-rifapentine

Twice-daily tenofovir alafenamide dose might overcome interaction with rifampicin

No impact on bioavailability of D/C/F/TAF when tablet is split but TAF absorption is reduced if crushed

Dolutegravir pharmacokinetics in pregnancy

FDA updates cobicistat and Stribild labels: interactions with systemic, inhaled, nasal and ophthalmic corticosteriods

Raltegravir pharmacokinetic targets met in high-risk HIV-exposed infants

New HIV diagnoses in children in UK and Ireland continue to decline

World Health Organisation paediatric dosing tool

Significant interaction between once-weekly isoniazid/rifapentine and daily dolutegravir: study stopped due to toxicity

Pharmacokinetics and full phase 2 results for bictegravir, a new integrase inhibitor

Dolutegravir-based ART in combination with rifampicin-based TB treatment is safe in a small cohort of co-infected patients

Use of modelling to predicting paediatric dosing of long acting antiretrovirals

Nevirapine dosing for treatment of neonates

Pharmacokinetics of old and new TB drugs for children

The effects of systemic efavirenz exposure, sex and age on risk of viral non-suppression

Pharmacokinetics of lopinavir/ritonavir super-boosting in infants and young children co-infected with HIV and TB

Reducing efavirenz dose is unlikely to overcome interaction with levonorgestrel

Doravirine and cabotegravir do not affect the pharmacokinetics of oral contraceptives

Pharmacokinetics of four antiretrovirals in pregnancy: data from the PANNA network

Dolutegravir placental transfer moderate in ex vivo model

Paediatric dosing of DRV/r

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